
E-SpeakingisagreatEnglishspeakingappthatprovidesyouwiththebestpreparationtoboostyourIELTSSpeakingbandscoreandto ...,Aneasysoftwaresolutiontoenableyoutocontrolyourcomputer,dictateemailsandletters,andhavethecomputerreaddocumentsbackto ...,Aneasysoftwaresolutiontoenableyoutocontrolyourcomputer,dictateemailsandletters,andhavethecomputerreaddocumentsbacktoyou.,VoiceandSpeechRecognitionSoftware(from...

E Speaking on the App Store

E-Speaking is a great English speaking app that provides you with the best preparation to boost your IELTS Speaking band score and to ...

e-Speaking - Windows官方下载| 微软应用商店

An easy software solution to enable you to control your computer, dictate emails and letters, and have the computer read documents back to ...


An easy software solution to enable you to control your computer, dictate emails and letters, and have the computer read documents back to you.

Download Voice and Speech Recognition software from e

Voice and Speech Recognition Software (from e-Speaking) uses the speech engine from Microsoft called SAPI (Speech Application Program Interface).


e-Speaking is an amazing, free software only available for Windows, that belongs to the category Software utilities. More about e-Speaking.

Download e-speaking 3.8.11 for Windows

評分 4.0 (2) · 免費 · Windows Download the latest version of e-speaking for Windows. Application to control the computer with your voice. E-speaking is a tool you must try to start...

e-Speaking 版

e-Speaking 是一款了不起的免费软件,仅适用于Windows,属于软件实用程序。 关于e-Speaking 的更多信息. 程序版本为3.8.16,最后一次更新发生在2008 年6 月30 日。它 ...

Support - E

E-Speaking is an innovative English language learning tool designed to help sharpen your speaking skills and boost your IELTS speaking band score. With E- ...

Speak AI 英文口說App 讓你自信開口「說」英文!
